Artificial Intelligence

Google's AI-Powered Search:  India's Next Big Leap

By KeeVurds Desk         7th Sep, 2023


Google's AI Approach

Google has started  delivering AI-generated responses in its search results in India as well as in Japan recently. 


The Launch of SGE

Google introduced this new AI experience named Search Generative Experience to help people find relevant information easily.


What is SGE?

It is a conversational mode in Google Search where users can chat with Google itself to get answers to their queries just like you do with a chatbot.


India Focused Features

You can toggle between English and Hindi results effortlessly, allowing a customized search experience.  This feature is exclusive to India. 💝


Ads Will Not Dissappear

Ads will continue to appear in the search results, helping users discover relevant products and services while maintaining transparency.


Quality Control Measures

Google ensures responsible AI usage with proper safeguards to uphold search quality and transparency for its users.


How to Use SGE In India

Users can enable the Search Experience from Google Search Labs and experience the innovative approach of answering user queries.