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LinkedIn Hits 1 Billion Members, Adds New AI Features for Job Seekers

By KeeVurds Desk

LinkedIn has hit a major milestone of 1 billion members. This places it is the list of elite social media networks.

LinkedIn's Growth

LinkedIn's growth is strong outside of the United States. Approximately 80% of its recent sign-ups are from international users.

User Acquisition

LinkedIn is introducing new AI features to help job seekers find and land jobs. These features are only available for paid members.

Ai For Job Seekers

One of the AI features is Job Coach. This tool offers personalized feedback for their profiles, resumes, and cover letters.

AI Job Coach

Apart from the Job Coach, there are other features like Post Summarizer, AI Job Selector that checks if a job is good fit or not.

Other AI Features

The new AI features are only available to paying members of LinkedIn. You can get the premium LinkedIn plan to use.

How to Use AI Features

LinkedIn is also marking its 1 billion-member milestone with a new initiative dubbed "In It Together". It shows the power of community.

LinkedIn's Campaign