Mumbai-based snack sensation Natch has secured a whopping Rs 3 Crore in Seed funding. The funding round was spearheaded by Artha Venture Fund, with a significant contribution from the DSP Family Office.
Natch, founded in 2017 by Matthew Taff and Meher Vakil, is all about snacks that keep it real—no funky preservatives or fake flavors here.
With a range available in 250 stores nationwide, including big names like Nature’s Basket, Wellness Forever, Haiko, and Reliance Freshpick, Natch is already making waves.
Now, with the freshly injected funds, Natch has big plans. They’re gearing up to spread their snack magic even further by expanding their reach through various channels. That means more stores, better distribution, and a whole lot more marketing muscle. Plus, they’re cooking up some new tricks in the lab for innovative snack developments.
The snack stars are ready to shine even brighter, eyeing metropolitan and tier-1 cities across India. They’re also set to conquer the quick commerce sector with their delicious offerings.
Anirudh A. Damani, the managing partner at Artha Venture Fund, is thrilled to be on board for the ride. In his words, “The global snacking industry is changing, with a focus on healthier choices. Natch has found its sweet spot in this evolving market with quality snacks that people love. We’re excited to be a part of Natch’s journey as they keep cooking up new ideas and growing.”
So, get ready for more Natch goodness coming your way. With the funding boost and a hunger for success, this snack startup is on the rise!