How Blue Fountain Media Increased Revenue By 515% For Their Client

How Blue Fountain Media Increased Revenue By 515% For Their Client

The world is going digital, so should you!

In the last couple of years, we’ve all witnessed a spike in online businesses. If people are planning to manufacture clothes, they’d rather put them up on a site than establish a store.

If someone’s looking to advertise their product, they’d market it on social media more than by word of mouth.

Blue Fountain Media, a digital company, helped Deer Creek Seed do the very same. They built them an online presence that is worth millions now. Sure, Deer Creek Seed was functioning well and generating revenues worth 17 million dollars annually, but going digital skyrocketed their whole business.

Let’s have a look at how it was done!

What Was The Target?

Since Deer Creek Seed was an established company working physically, they needed to turn to technology for future ventures. Thus, creating a website was a part of Blue Fountain’s priority. Another thing they looked at was collating all the brands DCS had, into one.

They had weak online tracking systems to monitor their users, sales, and revenue, hence pitching a new, more efficient one was also part of the plan.

What Areas Were Altered? 

Innovating The Brand

Going online means changing a few things that were happening physically. The way of advertising and marketing changed, and so did their brand. Blue fountain’s team created new logos and product packages that seemed modern and fresh to the consumer. However, they still had DCS’s heritage and legacy intact.

Innovating Offerings

Since DCS would now have a new target audience online, Blue Fountain’s helped them create categories and labels that would pertain to certain customer interests. This would make it easier for users to track what they wanted to purchase. The approach became audience-centric. It also increased customer reach since they specialized in a few products.

Tech Advancements

This step was a bit more technical than the others since it involved creating a website and linking the new ERP to the old one. A crucial one, since it gave rise to sales. DCS was finally able to create their own store, online. More efficient ERPs were installed and incorporated so that tracking could be made easier yet handy.

Upgrading Technology

BFM ensured DCS had a proper API set up for their website online. This helped them get exposure to multiple features including user-tracking and inventory controls.

They were effective because they allowed DSC to monitor their customer’s needs while also taking care of how much stock they had for both online and offline sales. Overall, this step was crucial in developing DCS’s brand digitally.

New Creatives

The team at Blue Fountain gave a lot of importance to how DCS’s layouts and designs looked online. Naturally, they’d have to be attractive and appealing for a user to visit the website. Thus, they created new creative and experimented with different fonts, colors, and products to test which ones were most fit for the brand.

What Were The Results?

Overall, this partnership was a major success for Deer Creek Seed since they witnessed an increase not only in sales but other business areas such as ROI and revenue. They also began coming up in most trending keyword rankings.

A whopping 617% increase in transactions and a 515% increase in revenue establishes the fact that Blue Fountain’s plan worked out from the very start. They practically handed a new market to DCS via the website.

With that, DCS also has access to new revenue streams, media opportunities, and social platforms to grow. Going online was one of the best decisions they made, thanks to Blue Fountain Media!