How Buzz Interactive Boosted Sales For Iron Gear During The Pandemic

How Buzz Interactive Boosted Sales For Iron Gear, During The Pandemic

We all noticed a crash in the economy when the pandemic was in full swing.

Businesses incurred losses and revenues went down. This is because no one was ready to spend money on purchasing goods. However, Buzz Interactive, a marketing company, made sure people weren’t suffering as much.

With their finely curated strategies and expertise in social media marketing, they helped Iron Gear flourish even when a deadly virus was on the loose. This chapter of our notebook shall look at the entire journey of their partnership to understand how each plan was carried out.

Part 1: Analyzing The Problems

Iron Gear is a sportswear and accessories brand launched in 2019, Pakistan. They went from manufacturing shoes and fitness clothing to generating sales of over 1.2 million PKR. However, while getting there, they faced a few challenges that Buzz Interactive spotted initially. These include:

  1. Minimal or No social media presence
  2. No Ad-Recall
  3. No Advance Targeting
  4. Minimal or No Return on Ad-Spend

After identifying these problems, Buzz Interactive analyzed each aspect of them via extensive market research. They finally came up with a plan.

Part 2: Action Plan

Keeping in mind the fact that they specialize in digital marketing, the team at Buzz interactive not only studied the competitor patterns but also showed keen interest in consumer needs after which they targeted 4 areas for Iron Gear’s Profit.

Ad Designing

To ensure people scrolling through social media stop and go back to a certain picture and/or ad, it needs to be appealing to the eyes. Team Buzz made sure each apparel was given the recognition it deserves by experimenting with a range of themes, colors, and visuals on the ads. This did not only increase user engagement for sponsored ads, but also organic posts.

Advanced Targeting 1

Pixel Data: This part of the process helped Iron Gear identify its customer needs. Team Buzz realized that their partners were advertising their products on social media but weren’t getting the response they deserved.

Hence, they narrowed down their customers as per interests and demographics, tracked them on their website as per when they’d come across an ad, and finally re-target them on Facebook where the presence is highest. The process is similar to ‘re-pitching’ or ‘revising their proposal.’ Sales increased as customers started becoming more aware of the brand.

Advanced Targeting

Strengthened customer journey: One of the most important driving factors of a successful business is how well the customer is entertained. They are naturally going to be loyal to you if you’re giving them what they want and treating them the right way. Team Buzz picked up on this idea.

They made sure interactions with the customers remained intact and a relationship was built over time. From the process of familiarization, consideration, to decision-making, everything went smoothly.

Performance Marketing

Social Media: Team Buzz made sure to increase Iron Gear’s social media presence. They did this using both inorganic and organic methods. Their marketing team curated a list of captions and hashtags that helped them go viral. They also paid for boosting ads to ensure their reach increases.

A good mix of both assisted them all along.

Performance Marketing – ROAS

They also monitored and controlled the expenditure and revenue from ads that Iron Gear procured. The constant watch over these small streams helped them keep everything under control.

Sales Maximization

Given a budget of PKR 137k, Team Buzz created a plan that was user-centric, expense-friendly, and rewarding. This skyrocketed Iron Gear’s sales in just a span of 50 days.

Overall, Iron Gear incurred a gain of revenue by 350%, 8X return on ads, and almost 1,100 products sold. That’s exciting! If you want your business to get to where it deserves to be, go check out their website!