NoGood’s Strategies To Increase New User Revenue By Over 350% YoY For Fratelli Carli

NoGood's Case Study

Worried about not getting enough ROAs on your website?

Do you wish to boost up your revenue generation?

Well, you are in the apt place, for we will be discussing with you the Fratelli Carli Revenue Growth Case Study from NoGood.

We will be showing you how the client company expanded its business to the US Market with the help of this growth marketing agency NoGood.

Fratelli Carli was not getting enough attention from its targeted audience. It was far from experiencing a growth in revenue generation. After the proper tactics were applied by NoGood’s team and a solid strategy was planned, it witnessed a 350% increase in the new client revenue generation.

Let’s see how the acquisition and retention numbers continued to increase every month!

About Fratelli Carli

Founded in 1911, Fratelli Carli is a company delivering amazing Italian food recipes for the past 100 years. They are well-renowned for their best quality olive oil. Besides, they are the second-largest olive oil producer in Italy.

The super delicious, palatable food recipes of Fratelli Carli are hugely popular among a significant section of Italians. But, their main challenge was to expand their business in the US market. The NoGood Team helped the client website to consolidate its position in the US market too.

Aims and Objectives

  • Expand the online store of Fratelli Carli to the US market and keep margins of profit simultaneously.
  • Surpass the growth goals.
  • Attract the audience to a great extent.
  • Retention of the audience.
  • Obtaining a more significant number of repeated purchases from the already existing customers.


The NoGood Team came across certain problems on the client’s website. These had to be resolved to acquire the overwhelming result.

Let’s have a look at the problems that needed to be addressed!

  • The campaigns that Fratelli Carli launched in the US resulted in the consumers growing an affinity to get their hands on huge offers and discounts. And, these are practically what made the company experience low-profit margins and poor retention rates.
  • Since the customers tended to shop for gourmet food offline, they were reluctant to order expensive new food items and were hesitant to give the new things a try.
  • The client website was not much recognized in the US market, and it becomes clearly evident when its huge popularity in Europe is taken into consideration.


  • Careful auditing of both the tech and media stack was conducted to solve the high impact, low effort fixes.
  • The interests, preferences, behavior, and tendencies of the already existing customers of Fratelli Carli were analyzed meticulously.
  • A lot of experimentation with new personas and several activation offers was done to try and see what attracts the audience and what does not.
  • A trial was conducted with brand messaging and display of products all over the channels to reduce the CAC of the new consumers.
  • To retain the audience, a lot of personalized device loops were created. Through emails, intense search, socials, and retargeting, the LTV of the US customers was enhanced.


The result was overwhelming. Once the initial onboarding was over, Fratelli Carli witnessed a huge improvement in acquiring new customers. A YoY boost in the revenue of new clients by 350% was experienced in April and September in 2020. The result of ROAS of 6x is equally noteworthy.

Now that the client wanted to retain the audience, the second half of 2020 was dedicated to meet this goal. By implementing a new strategy, Fratelli Carli experienced a 50% increase in the existing client revenue.


The Fratelli Carli Revenue Growth Case Study by NoGood clearly showed how a careful analysis of the audience interests and auditing of the tech-media stack and profuse experimentation drive significant revenue for the company.

Execution of a proper strategy along with conduction of trial and error by seeing which plan works out and what doesn’t is essential.

Finding out the problems and then fixing these issues is essential to chalk out the best strategy. Once you have hit the target, there’s no going back!

Move ahead with powerful strategies and enjoy greater revenue generation.